A category of compositional domain-models for separable Stone spaces
In this paper we introduce SFPM, a category of SFP domains which
provides very satisfactory domain-models, i.e. partializations, of
separable Stone spaces (2-Stone spaces). More specifically, SFPM is a
subcategory of SFPep, closed under direct limits as well as many
constructors, such as lifting, sum, product and Plotkin
powerdomain. SFPM is structurally well behaved, in the sense that the
functor MAX, which associates to each object of SFPM the Stone space
of its maximal elements, is compositional with respect to the
constructors above, and omega-continuous. A correspondence can be
established between these constructors over SFPM and appropriate
constructors on Stone spaces, whereby SFP domain-models of Stone
spaces defined as solutions of a vast class of recursive equations in
2-Stone, can be obtained simply by solving the corresponding equations
in SFPM. Moreover any continuous function between two 2-Stone spaces
can be extended to a continuous function between any two SFPM
domain-models of the original spaces.
The category SFPM does not include all the SFP's with a 2-Stone space
of maximal elements (CSFP's). We show that the CSFP's can be
characterized precisely as suitable retracts of SFPM objects. Then the
results proved for SFPM easily extends to the wider category having
CSFP's as objects.
Using SFPM , we explain two classical partializations of the space of
finitary hypersets (the hyperuniverse N-omega [Forti, Honsell, Lenisa])
based on SFP domains (see [Abramsky], [Mislove, Moss, Oles]).
We also show that these two domains are not isomorphic, thus
providing a negative answer to a problem raised in [Mislove, Moss,Oles].