A local search based heuristic for the demand constrained
We consider an extension of the 0-1 multidimensional knapsack problem
in which there are greater-than-equal inequalities, called demand constraints,
besides the standard less-than-equal constraints. Moreover the objective
function coefficients are not constrained in sign. This problem is worth
considering because it is embedded in the models of practical applications,
because it has an intriguing combinatorial structure and because it
appears to be a challenging problem for commercial ILP solvers. Our
approach is based on a nested tabu search algorithm in which
neighbourhoods of different structure are exploited. A first
higher level tabu search is carried on in which both feasible and
unfeasible regions are explored. In this diversification phase an
oscillation method proceeds alternating between constructive and
destructive steps. Occasionally, a lower level tabu search which
implements an intensification strategy is applied. In this second
phase only feasible solutions are analysed. The algorithm has been
tested on a wide set of instances. Computational results are discussed.