Solving Semidefinite Quadratic Problems Within Nonsmooth Optimization Algorithms
Bundle methods for Nondifferentiable Optimization are widely
recognised as one of the best choices for the solution of Lagrangean
Duals; one of their major drawbacks is that they require the solution
of a Semidefinite Quadratic Programming subproblem at every
iteration. We present an active-set method for the solution of such
problems, that enhances upon the ones in the literature by
distinguishing among bases with different properties and exploiting
their structure in order to reduce the computational cost of the basic
step. Furthermore, we show how the algorithm can be adapted to the
several needs that arises in practice within Bundle algorithms; we
describe how it is possible to allow constraints on the primal
direction, how special (box) constraints can be more efficiently dealt
with and how to accommodate changes in the number of variables of the
nondifferentiable function. Finally, we describe the important
implementation issues, and we report some computational experience to
show that the algorithm is competitive with other QP codes
when used within a Bundle code for the solution of Lagrangean Duals of
large-scale (Integer) Linear Programs.