
Informatica Generale: Aspetti Sociali Etici e Professionali D

(Corso di Diploma in Informatica)

Codice: 5I014Crediti: 6Semestre: 2Sigla: IGA 


Vincenzo Ambriola   ambriola@di.unipi.it  Home Page di Vincenzo Ambriola  Stanza 320  Tel. 0502212751


Obiettivi di apprendimento


Il corso affronta i temi legati agli aspetti sociali, etici e professionali dell'informatica. Sperimentando il modello a moduli, in cui ogni parte è svolta autonomamente, il corso è così organizzato:

English Description

The aim of the course is to present and discuss social, ethical, and professional issues in the computer science context. Following the modular approach, with each part autonomously taught, the course is organized as follows: Legal issues in computer science, given by Vincenzo Ambriola. Ethical and social responsibility of computer professionals, given by Diego Latella. A typical computer science course is usually focused mainly on scientific - technical issues. In this module we aim at giving the students the possibility of developing their own professional view also on other issues like the impact of computer technology on society, the presuppositions of computer science and technology, and the nature of their future professional activities. In particular we shall discuss the relation between such presuppositions and the (ethical) decisions which they imply. In order to stimulate the students to develop their own reference models, the course will be based on a case study approach and a related discussion on ethical codes of conduct. Process organization and control in the computer science profession, given by Giovanni A. Cignoni. XX century is characterized by the introduction of technologies which allow to transmit, to replicate, and to process information. The rapid evolution of these new technologies and their wide diffusion revolutioned the way in which productive processes and professional roles were conceived in the traditional industrial organization. The IT industry is cause and victim of such situation. It is the cause, because its products are changing the way in which industrial production is organized and carried out. It is the victim, because, as an industry itself, it is involved in the crisis of the old organizational frameworks. The course introduces the context and the trend of the IT industry, the organizational solutions, the roles and responsabilities that characterize the IT professional career


Programma dettagliato delle lezioni

Il programma dettagliato delle lezioni è organizzato secondo la struttura modulare del corso:

Programma dettagliato delle esercitazioni

Il programma dettagliato delle esercitazioni è organizzato secondo la struttura modulare del corso:

Ore lezione: 25Ore esercitazione: 15   


L'elenco dei testi di riferimento è organizzato secondo la struttura modulare del corso: Testi di consultazione

L'elenco dei testi di consultazione è organizzato secondo la struttura modulare del corso:

Modalità di esame

Ulteriore pagina web del corso: http://www.di.unipi.it/~ambriola/iga/radice/htm

