
Ingegneria dei servizi software (Advanced software engineering)

Codice: 290AACrediti: 9Semestre: 1Sigla: ISS 
Settore disciplinare: INF/01 - Informatica


Antonio Brogi   brogi@di.unipi.it  Stanza 340  Tel. 0502212790

Obiettivi di apprendimento

The overall objective of the course is to introduce some of the main aspects in the design, analysis, and development of software services. After introducing the core standards of Web services, the course focuses on service composition as one of the key aspects of service-oriented architectures, and the use of workflow languages supporting the specification and the execution of business processes is illustrated. The role of business process analysis is discussed, and some examples of modelling and analyses of business processes are illustrated. The advantages of enhanced service descriptions including policies and behavioural informaton, and the role of service agreements are also discussed. Finally, some of the currently emerging technologies are introduced. The course includes a “hands-on” lab devoted to experiment the design, analysis, development and deployment of simple Web services.


All the information concerning the course is available at the page: http://www.di.unipi.it/~brogi/AttivitaDidattica/Informatica/SoftwareServiceEngineering/

English Description

All the information concerning the course is available at the page: http://www.di.unipi.it/~brogi/AttivitaDidattica/Informatica/SoftwareServiceEngineering/


Modalità di esame

To get the credits, students have to develop a project before undergoing an oral examination.

Ulteriore pagina web del corso: http://www.di.unipi.it/~brogi/AttivitaDidattica/Informatica/SoftwareServiceEngineering/ http://www.di.unipi.it/~brogi/AttivitaDidattica/Informatica/SoftwareServiceEngineering/

