

Codice: 644AACrediti: 6Semestre: 2Sigla: BIO 
Settore disciplinare: INF/01 - Informatica


Nadia Pisanti   pisanti@di.unipi.it  Home Page di Nadia Pisanti  Stanza 331  Tel. 0502213152

Ultima versione disponibile: programma da confermare per l’a.a. 2017/2018

English Description

This course has the goal to give the student an overview of algorithmic methods that have been conceived for the analysis of genomic sequences, and to be able to critically observe the practical impact of algorithmic design on real problems with relevant applications. The exam, besides the obvious goal to evaluate the students understanding of the course contents, is additionally meant as a chance to learn how a scientific paper is like, and how to make an oral presentation on scientific/technical topics, as well as to design it for a specific audience.
Ore lezione: 48    

