
Competitive programming and contests

Codice: 645AACrediti: 6Semestre: 1Sigla: CPC 
Settore disciplinare: INF/01 - Informatica


Rossano Venturini   rossano@di.unipi.it  Stanza 361  Tel. 0502213139

Ultima versione disponibile: programma da confermare per l’a.a. 2017/2018

English Description

The goal of the course is to improve programming and problem solving skills of the students by facing them with difficult problems and by presenting the techniques that help their reasoning in the implementation of correct and efficient solutions. The importance of these skills has been recognized by the most important software companies worldwide, which evaluate candidates in their job interviews mostly by the ability in addressing such difficult problems. A natural goal is to involve the students in the intellectual pleasure of programming and problem solving, also preparing them for the most important international online contests, such as TopCoder, HackerRank, CodeChef, Facebook Hacker Cup, Google Code Jam and so on, for internships in most important companies and their interviews. A desirable side-effect of the course could be to organize and prepare teams of students for the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contests. The course will give the opportunity to uniform students' background in algorithms and programming in view of the subsequent courses. Each topic of the above syllabus will be covered by
Ore lezione: 48    

