Sistemi ad alte prestazioni e piattaforme abilitanti

Codice: 304AACrediti: 6Semestre: 2Sigla: SPA 
Settore disciplinare: INF/01 - Informatica


Marco Vanneschi  Tel. 0502212700

Obiettivi di apprendimento

This course deals with architectures of high-performance computing systems according to several models and approaches, including shared memory multiprocessors, distributed memory multiprocessors and multicomputers, clusters, multiclusters, farms, data centres, and others. These platforms are studied in terms of architectural model, static and dynamic support to computation and programming models for parallel and distributed processing, performance evaluation, capability for building complex and heterogeneous enabling platforms, also through examples of application cases. Technological features and trends are studied, in particular multi-/many-core technology and high-performance networks. An initial part of the course is dedicated to review some basic concepts and techniques in computer architecture, in order to render the different backgrounds of students as uniform as possible.


Part 1 (~ 1/4)
  1. Prerequisites revisited
    Processors, memory hierarchies and caching; compiler optimizations, performance parameters; process cooperation and implementation.
  2. Run-time support to concurrency mechanisms
    Structured interpretation of process communication and sharing. Note: the course will adopt a structured approach to the study of computer architecture, according to the style of the basic course in Computer Architecture of the Bachelor Program in Computer Science, University of Pisa. For this reason, as said above, in 1.1 and 1.2 the main concept and techniques of such basic course will be reviewed. The first lecture will discuss the meaning of the structured approach.
  3. Instruction level parallelism
    Elements of pipeline and superscalar CPUs, cost models, compiler optimization.

    Part 2 (~ 3/4)

  4. Shared memory architectures
    SMP, NUMA, and other organizations; interconnection networks; support to concurrency mechanisms, cost models, static and dynamic optimizations; parallel application benchmarks.
  5. Distributed memory architectures
    Cluster, MPP, and other organizations; interconnection networks; support to concurrency mechanisms, cost models, static and dynamic optimizations; parallel application benchmarks.
  6. Multicore architectures
    Current status and trends of single-chip shared/distributed memory architectures.


Modalità di esame

The exam of High Performance Computing Systems and Enabling Platforms (6 CFU) consists of Report

Some literature material (e.g. one/some papers) is assigned to the student, e.g. concerning Literature for the report is assigned during the first 2-3 weeks of the course

The assigned material must be studied and interpreted according to the course contents, methodology and approach.

The report must be written in a didactic style, as it were a book chapter for students (“student-proof”)

The report must be submitted a certain time in advance with respect to the exam date.

Registration to take the exam

To take the oral test in a given exam session, the student must register using the the Official Site of Corso di Laurea:, section Laurea Magistrale in Informatica e Netwoking, subsection "orari".

Esame di Architetture Parallele e Distribuite (ASE), Laurea Specialistica, Vecchio Ordinamento

A partire dalla sessione estiva 2009-2010, il programma di esame di ASE (9 CFU) consiste nel programma di High Performance Computing Systems and Enabling Platforms (6 CFU) più una parte integrativa di 3 CFU integrativi. Il programma della parte integrativa consiste nelle metodologie e tecniche di parallelizzazione; il materiale didattico è il Cap. X del testo M. Vanneschi, “Architetture degli Elaboratori”, PLUS, 2009. Le modalità di esame di ASE sono quelle in vigore finora: prova scritta e prova orale, entrambe in italiano Nella registrazione ad un appello di esame indicare ASE nelle note.

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