Fondamenti di segnali, sistemi e reti

Codice: 580IICrediti: 12Semestre: 1-2Sigla: FSR 
Settore disciplinare: ING-INF/03 - Telecomunicazioni


Giancarlo Prati
Luca Valcarenghi

Indicazioni metodologiche

First semester
- Stochastic Processes and Queuing Theory (SPQT), Prof. Prati, 60h

Second semester
-Design of access, metro and core networks (AMCN), Dr. Andriolli, 40h
Ore lezione: 60 Ore laboratorio: 36  

Modalità di esame

Final exams are organized in two parts:
  1. SPQT
  2. AMCN
and are typically scheduled on the same day. It is possible to take one exam part only. Each exam part is valid for one solar year. The final mark is computed as a weighted average of the two exams.
Students are allowed to repeat each exam part (SPQT and/or AMCN) to improve their score. Once the exam part is returned, the previous score is deleted. It is strongly encouraged to sit the exam only when adequately prepared.
Two SPQT midterm exams are scheduled during the first semester. Two AMCN midterm exams are scheduled during the second semester. Participation to the midterm exams is optional. To pass a midterm exam, a grade above 60/100 (or 18/30) is required.
Students that did not take or did not pass SPQT midterm 1 cannot take SPQT midterm 2. If both SPQT midterm exams are passed, SPQT part of the final exam can be skipped. The vote for SPQT will be the weighted average of the two midterm exams. If the students wants to take anyway the final exam, he can do it, but if he delivers the work, the vote will be that of the final exam anyway. Students that did not take or did not pass AMCN midterm 1 cannot take AMCN midterm 2. If both AMCN midterm exams are passed, AMCN part of the final exam can be skipped. The vote for AMCN will be the weighted average of the two midterm exams. If the students wants to take anyway the final exam, he can do it, but if he delivers the work, the vote will be that of the final exam anyway.

