Real time and Distributed systems

(Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Embedded Computing Systems)

Codice: 608IICrediti: 12Semestre: 1  
Settore disciplinare: ING-INF/05 - Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni


Giorgio Buttazzo  Home Page di Giorgio Buttazzo  Tel. (+39) 050 882.012

Ultima versione disponibile: programma da confermare per l’a.a. 2017/2018

English Description

The objective of this course is to teach the theoretical background and the basic methodologies for developing time sensitive applications with high degree of concurrency and a set of performance requirements. The course enables the students to design and analyze real-time software in several application domains, as sensory monitoring, robotics, avionics, automotive, multimedia, and biomedical systems. The first module of the course introduces the computational model of real-time activities with time, precedence, and resource constraints. The second module of the course focuses on programming concurrent and distributed applications that play a primary role in systems where many events occur simultaneously.

